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If your kid plays sports, you should consider protecting their smile with a mouthguard. The American Dental Association recommends wearing mouthguards when participating in these activities: basketball, hockey, football, gymnastics, skiing, rugby, martial arts, soccer, volleyball, water polo, weightlifting, and wrestling. When playing these sports, you’re vulnerable to obtaining an oral injury if you don’t protect your teeth and gums by wearing a mouthguard. Kids with braces and retainers need to do so as well.

Three types of mouthguards are available: premade, boil & bite, and a custom-made mouthguards. When researching these three options for the best fit for your kid, make sure you choose one that is tear-resistant and well-fitted to your child’s mouth for the best protection. Before installing the mouthguard, your dentist will show you how to do so correctly and properly take care of it. Just like wearing braces and other dental appliances, taking proper care of your mouthguard is essential. This means cleaning it correctly and safely storing it.


  • Use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your mouthguard after each use gently.
  • Use a protective case to store it safely.
  • Please don’t leave the mouthguard in hot water or the sun, as it can melt.
  • At the beginning of a new sports season, replace the mouthguard with a new one. If your kid feels uncomfortable wearing the mouthguard, take care of replacing it as well.


At My Tooth Fairy’s, we aim to keep your child’s smile beautiful and healthy.

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